Tuesday, April 12, 2005

[Real Life] Shudder

Walking down 18th this morning and despite wearing sunglasses the sun blinded me. I had just passed the Taqueria on the corner of Collingwood when I noticed this gross man walking towards me. Unkempt with his blue jeans tucked into combat lace-up boots he leered. He had a trucker hat that just topped his skull making him look like one of the SNL coneheads. I powered forward and passed him without incident.
I heard someone say in my direction, "Hey-- how're you doing?" It took me a moment to realize it wasn't the leering miscreant I had just passed. Without finding out who was talking I just answered, as if rhetorically, "Fine and yourself?" I turned to see who had spoken to me.
"Just great!" the man said.
Gutteraly I let out an Urrrg-blech and gave the man a look of utter horror. The man was a WC Fields look-a-like who lives in Casa Sanchez and occasionally pulls out of his garage when I'm walking by. He'll slow down his car, watch me pass, pull forward, stop and watch me pass. The last time he did it I flipped him off.
I had to high-tail it into work at that point. I still feel dirty and violated.


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