Thursday, March 18, 2004

People probably assume that I am laughing at them, not with them. Last night in class, my friend Courtney and I kept giving each other these looks of “OMG” every time someone said: 1) something stupid, 2) something stupid, 3) something stupid, 4) something stupid. The people in this particular class are real characters. The regular CW students are humdrum, but the Playwriting students are impassioned weirdoes—they are so funny to watch and listen. There’s this one who’s a bearish type guy, total musical queen, who says things like, “I don’t even read the critics. I have this saying ‘I agree with critics when they write something good about my show and I disagree with everything else.” He followed that lame statement with a chortle. Not enough people chortle. There’s this one woman who speaks with a neuvo-riche Martha Stewart accent, “Marlowe was such a wonderful playwright. His last words were either curse words, or they weren’t. He was stabbed either above the left eye, or the right.” She followed that statement with short warbles and then “It’s so interesting” which is her equivalent of “It’s a good thing.” Then the Professor slid in this comment about the amazing actress who we saw perform last week in Ibsen’s “Ghosts.” “I had drinks with Ellen after the performance…” and one could see tinges of jealousy among the playwrights. Clenched fists and false grins.


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