Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I’ve got to admit

I’ve got to admit— when I don’t ride the bus in the morning I’m kind of sad. Walking to work lacks color. Today I counted how many people I saw driving while talking on cellular phones. The total count: 46 in 15 blocks. Listening to the junkies is a lot more fun. One of the other drags of walking to work is all the human shit I come across. Especially on the street I work on. I guess Capp really is one of the Mission's toilets. The corner of 17th and Capp with its piles of shit, Burger King® wrappers sticking out of ‘em, a hoard of flies, is one of the worse locations. If you haven’t read Fast Food Nation, then the site of a shit burger with flies is enough to keep you away from any fast food joint.


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