Thursday, June 03, 2004

Lunch With BOS

Steve (BOS) from Boston met up with me for lunch. I took him to Pancho Villas on 16th Street for a burrito. He was quite lucky to visit on such a day as all my favorite cracked out peeps were on the street. We sat and I pointed out the guy behind BOS had dined at the pizza sliciery with me the other day when the dancing Juniata performed. Coincidentally one of my coworkers was sitting behind him as well. I waved to Charls who waved back at us and BOS did a few double takes which I feared might have made Charls feel like we were chatting about him. But we weren’t. Look what I’m doing now: Charls you’re in a blog entry! Anyway, two Mariachis were performing and we wanted to inquire as to whether or not they knew some Titney Spears. I wanted BOS to feel at home and one of his co-workers listens to Titney often. They did not know any pop music, their loss. After their performance one walked around with his hat looking for tips. These situations can be awkward. However having been to both Little League games and Churches where money is collected in the same way, I’m quite comfortable with not giving. Does this make me a bad person? Most certainly it does. But if they don’t know any Titney Spears—no tip for them! :P Lunch was good and BOS walked me back to my office building. Fortunately for us, when we turned the corner of 17th Street onto Capp, kneeling in the gutter a cracked out chick was curling her eyelashes in the side view mirror of a trashed out coupe. These moments are priceless.


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