Thursday, April 28, 2005

[Real Life] But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

I'm sitting on my bed this evening, looking out my windows while talking to Monica on the phone. I look across the street and this man drops some storage boxes in front of a neighbor's garage. The guy climbs the two flights of stairs to the front door, knocks and the does a cute wave at whoever is inside. He looks familiar but I don't have my glasses on. Scrabbling to find them, I trip. Jumping up I see them on the fireplace mantel. I put them on and walk over to the window. Holy shit it’s this guy I have seen on the 33 Stanyan bus, a guy who I have a huge crush on and who I actually know is a good writer.

So now my conversation with Monica has just become a series of "uh-huh." I'm watching this guy interact with whoever is in the house. Then he walks down and I track his movements like a cat about to pounce on its prey.

He picks up the boxes. I'm drooling. He starts to walk across the street and looks up at me in my window. It was totally a Romeo and Juliet moment. Our gazes met, I felt flush and exclaimed, "Holy fucking shit!" and fell down because I was embarrassed.

I hear the noise of the boxes under my window. My heart is beating fast because I think oh he's placing them on top of one another so he can climb up to meet me. But alas, he was just putting them in his car. He drove off, but not before I had popped up and written down his vehicle make, model and license plate number.

If only I had the energy to stalk.

Actually I already knew he lived somewhere on my street. Swoon.


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