Saturday, January 25, 2003

I’m feeling down right now. I just got home from the gym. I was only able to squeeze in 30 minutes of cardio before the place closed down. It didn’t feel like more than ten minutes. Tonight I went out with my friends M and F. They’re a lesbian couple who are moving in with one another after a year of dating. M is one of my best friends. She’s like a family member to me and was my saving grace when I knew nobody else in San Francisco. Dinner was nice. We went to Welcome Home. Our waiter seemed like he was best friends with "Tina." He was cute although a little too hyper. He cleared away F’s plate of liver and onions before she was finished with it. Oops! After dinner we went to Bearbucks. If you’ve read my journal before you know my apprehension about hanging out there. However when I’m with M I’m a little more comfortable, if only because she will kick anyone's ass who bugs me. We ordered our drinks. One of M and F’s friends was sitting in there reading a book. M went over and started chatting with him. M introduced me, but we had met before a couple months previous in the same Starbucks. He shook my hand and it lingered a little longer than I like. He looked at me intensely and I could tell his was attracted to me. I went and sat down with F in the corner booth and M kept talking with him. To make a long story longer (no, I’m not going to be mean so I’ll wrap this thread up) he gave M his business card to give to me. It all feels so much like fifth grade. I’m surprised on the back of the card there wasn’t a note with to boxes to check, “yes” or “no”. M wanted to know if I was interested, but I’m not. Remember, I’m going to be celibate all year. So there’s no use even meeting new people, right? We sat and made fun of people’s fashion faux-pas as M and I always do. Sometimes I just don’t understand what people are thinking when they leave their houses. Being part of the fashion police was fun, but we soon parted our ways and I walked up to Farmer Fred’s house. He drove me over to NV so I could pick up my gym clothes. I started telling him the story about the business card guy but then I wish I hadn't. FF started asking me questions as to whether or not I was going to call the bloke. I told FF I wasn't interested and that I only like guys who were "unattainable." FF collects cow figurines known as Cow Parade. Earlier in the day I was certain I saw a cow dressed up like a Venetian gondolier, complete with striped shirt, hat and gondola. I called FF up and asked if he either had seen the gondolier cow or already owned it. He said I must have been mistaken and that I probably saw a cow that was on a canoe, which he already owns. Hmmmm. Now I only bring this story up because as we were going over to NV we were talking about it and FF was saying I was wrong. I was playing the, “Well I could be wrong since I really didn’t look, but I thought it was a Venetian gondolier cow.” But FF kept telling me I was mistaken. That started to bug me. So for the rest of the evening I was basically quite. But you want to know what? I wasn’t mistaken. The cow is known as the “Cowdolier.” My favorite cow so far has been "Bovina, the Las Vegas Showcow." Now that's one sexy cow!


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