Sunday, June 22, 2003

Too many cocktails... Last night I went out with FF to dinner at Home. Ordered up some mojitos and nachos and decided on our entrees. I went with my ol' stand-by, chili verde because I like the hominy that comes with it (though I don't like hominy any other time.) FF got Salmon and a caesar salad. Mojitos just aren't my thing-- tho' I love rum-- so I went to my favorite drink, a kamikaze. FF downed five mojitos during dinner-- I had one and two 'kazes. I said our liquor bill was going to be more expensive than our food. Naturally it was!During desert, FF knocked his coffee over and it spilt on his pants. After 5 mojitos, one is bound to spill something on his pants. It looked like he peed, which made me laugh. I felt buzzed. I normally don't drink, or when I do it's just a beer or two. I never get shit-faced, never have had a hang-over, never have thrown up due to alcohol. FF wanted to go out to get more drinks and since I had nothing else to do I said, "Why not." Walking up Market Street, a frozen gust tickled my bones. FF was not wearing his jacket, instead it was folded over one arm hiding his wet crotch. Ended up at the Bar on Castro-- the scene was ill so FF dragged me to Badlands. I have to say-- neither the Bar or Badlands are places I would ever hang out. I wanted to go down to Moby's some place in my comfort zone, though not really that comfortable. We didn't have to wait in line to get into the Badlands. I had never been and I obviously was not dressed correctly. My t-shirt actually fit me-- everyone else's was two or three sizes too small. Most of the shirts looked like they were painted on the guys in there. Lots of sleeves were missing, anything to show off worked-out arms or track marks. I saw that quite a few boys were friends with "Tina" and they were out on the dance floor going nuts. FF ordered up some drinks and we had a good vantage point by the bar to people watch. He kept wanting me to check my coat but I kept declining. He finally checked his and then made his way out to the dance floor while I kept our spot at the bar. I decided to vary the alcohol I was consuming. Manhattens (which are terrible at Badlands), kamikazes, rum drinks, etc. I was getting extremely buzzed. FF had come back over and tried to get me to go out to the dance floor. If there's one thing I can't do, it's dance. I look like a freshly caught fish flopping around on the deck of a boat. I haven't any rhythm when it comes to dance music. Sure I tap my foot and move a little bit, but the commitment of actually being on the dance floor is more than I can handle. Then again, if there was room to do some fouette en tournant or pirouettes I'd show off my ballet skills.After too much drinking I went back to FF's place up the street and we chatted for a little bit before I crashed in his living room. For the first time in my life the room spun. I enjoyed the feeling. I slept pretty well and didn't wake up with a hang-over. As usuall, a light sleeper, I was up at 7:30 and reading the book I carried with me the whole day before. I wonder if I'll ever have a hang-over.


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