Pardon Me!
I walked over to Rainbow Grocery on my lunch break deciding to cut down shorter alleys instead of meandering thoroughfares. Down one alley I came across one woman who was in the middle of doing her “business.” Squatting, she moved her head up and down, an apparent strain on her face. Then it happened. A large cacophonous explosion came from her nether regions. The pigeons a few feet away took off in a flurry. Apparently not only was Montezuma getting his revenge but auntie Flo was visiting as well. Normally I would have felt embarrassed stumbling upon this scene, but I guess I’ve been in the Mission too long now and it’s become routine. She grabbed at a pile of papers and trash and began to clean herself up. It did not matter that I was witnessing this scene. No apologies made, none expected. I did however wish I carried around tampons or at the least toilet paper to hand out during these encounters.